Thursday, August 17, 2006

Цагаан сар ба хар архи

Амар байна уу? Энэ vгийг та жил болгоны хаврын эхэн сард Евроазийн цээжин дэхь тєв азийн нутгаас хангалттай сонсож чадна. Учир нь гэвэл энэ л vед энэ л нутагт цагаан сар хэмээгч ёс тєр, утга тєгєлдєр нэгэн баяр болдог учир энэ vгийг хvмvvс хэлдэг юм. Энэ vгийг хэлж байгаа хvмvvсийн сэтгэл санаа нь хvртэл энэхvv баярынхаа нэр шиг цагаахан болоод энэ нутгийн тэнгэр шиг цэлмэг байх тэр л vед та хvмvvн хэмээгч нэгэн махбодид бурхнаас заяасан хамгийн vнэтэй зvйлийг олж харна. Энэ бол хvмvvний сайхан сэтгэл.
Эрт дээр vеэс эдvгээг хvртэл Тєв Азийн цээжинд нутагтай Монгол хэмээгч нэгэн vндэстэн хатуу хvтvv євлийг давж, урин дулаан хавартай золгон, нэгэн жил, нэгэн тvvхийн хуудсыг ардаа vдсэнийхээ баяр болгож сэтгэл санаагаа ариусган муу vг, муу vйл, муу бодол бvхнээ єнгєрсєн жил єнгєрсєн vетэйгээ орхин гээж иржээ. Ийм ч учраас цагаан сэтгэл цагаан vйлийн баяр хэмээн “Цагаан Сар” гэж нэрлэжээ.
Харин одоо? Одоо энэ баяр маань єнгє, мєнгє, архины баяр болон хувирчээ. Энэ баяраар одоо та энэ нутгаас тэр сайхан сэтгэл тэр эрхэмсэг бэлгэдлийг олж харахгvй. Харин согтуу хvнийг л олж харах болов уу. Аль эсвэл тэр сайхан vгсээс илvv тэдний авгай, тэдний нєхєр тийм vнэтэй, тийм хувцас ємссєн байна билээ, тэдний таваг, тэдний бэлэг хамгийн vнэтэй, хамгийн сайн гэх мэтийн атаа, шунал, хор vнэртсэн vгсийг л олж сонсох болов уу.
Арай ч дээ євєг дээдэс маань ийм утга тєгєлдєр баярыг хойч vе нь ингэж Эрээний бараа борлуулалтын баяр болгоно гэж тєсєєлєє ч vгvй байх даа.
Хvн тєрєлхтєн анх vvссэн цагаасаа л сайныг бас муутай нь сэтгэсээр иржээ. Харин архи гэдэг юмыг яагаад зохиосон учрыг би ч, надаас єєр олон ч хvн бодоод тєсєєлєєд олоогvй юм.
Аманд орохдоо алтан шумуул мэт
Амнаас гарахдаа арслан барс мэт хэмээн тэртээ хэдэн зууны ємнє эцэг дээдэс маань энэхvv умдааныг голыг нь олж тодорхойлжээ. Харин хvн болгон амаа мэдэхгvй vvнийг муулдаг ч гэлээ их бага ямар нэг хэмжээгээр бvгд л бас хvртчихдэг гэмтэй. Савнаасаа бусдыг дийлдэг шингэн гэдэг л vнэн байх нь.
Бусад vед нь ч дvvрч. Ядахдаа цагаан сараараа архигvй золгож сурах юм сан даа. Цагаан сар бол хар архины баяр биш цагаан сэтгэлийн баяр юм сан...



Anonymous said...

Arhi udaan uuval maanag bolno

Structural damage to the brain resulting from chronic alcohol abuse can be observed in different ways:

* Results of autopsy show that patients with a history of chronic alcohol abuse have smaller, less massive, and more shrunken
brains than nonalcoholic adults of the same age and gender.

* The findings of brain imaging techniques, such as CT scans consistently show an association between heavy drinking and physical brain damage, even in the absence of chronic liver disease or dementia.

** Brain shrinking is especially extensive in the cortex of the frontal lobe2 - the location of higher cognitive faculties.

**The vulnerability to this frontal lobe shrinkage increases with age.3 After 40 some of the changes my be irreversible [see below].

**Repeated imaging of a group of alcoholics who continued drinking over a 5-year period showed progressive brain shrinkage that significantly exceeded normal age-related shrinkage. Moreover, the rate of shrinkage correlated with the amount of alcohol consumed.4

The relationship between alcohol consumption and deterioration in brain structure and function is not simple. Measures such as average quantity consumed, or even total quantity consumed over a year, do not predict the ultimate extent of brain damage. The best predictor of alcohol related impairment is: maximum quantity consumed at one time, along with the frequency of drinking that quantity. In addition to the toxic effects of frequent high levels of alcohol intake, alcohol related diseases and head injuries (due to falls, fights, motor vehicle accidents, etc.) also contribute. Although changes in brain structure may be gradual, performance deficits appear abruptly. The individual often appears more capable than is actually the case, because existing verbal abilities are among the few faculties that are relatively unimpaired by chronic alcohol abuse. The pathogenic effects of alcohol abuse on Brain are well established, and worthy of your attention. If you or a loved one abuse alcohol, fear is the appropriate emotion.

The Pattern of Recovery

Despite the grim realities described above, the situation is not hopeless: With abstinence there is functional and structural recovery!

Anonymous said...

Money management

Never buy more than you can afford.
make sure if there is a big gap between your life style and income

How to get your spending down
For a lot of people, part of the difficulty in reducing committed expenses comes from the need to make big monthly credit card payments. If you're carrying a substantial amount of non-mortgage debt, I'd suggest using the 20% that would otherwise go to retirement and long-term saving to aggressively pay down your debt -- but only after you cut up those cards.

Every dollar in interest that you don't pay is just like getting a guaranteed, risk- and tax-free return on your money equal to the interest rate on the debt. When your debts are paid off -- and it won't take long using 20% of your gross income -- immediately redirect that money into savings.

Now, let's take the really hard case: Even excluding debt payments, reducing your committed expenses to 60% still seems like an impossible goal. If that describes your situation, the odds are good that you're facing one of the following problems:

You have a more expensive home than you can afford.

You've committed to car or boat payments that are larger than you can afford.

Your children are in a private school that you can't really afford.

There's just a big, ugly gap between your income and your lifestyle.

If it's one of the first three, you can undo the damage by slowly unwinding the commitments you've made and choosing something less appealing but ultimately more appropriate

If the problem is having champagne tastes on a beer budget, you'll need to take a long, hard look at where the money is going and why. Take the "Savvy Spending Quiz" on MSN Money to see if perhaps you're using money and things to fill a void in your life. Often, the steps needed to fill that void have little to do with money.

The real secret to building a budget that really works isn't tracking what you spend, any more than counting calories is the secret to losing weight. The key is creating a sustainable structure for your finances, one that balances spending and income and that leaves enough room to handle the unexpected.

Anonymous said...

mongo ih urdeg huuhedtei eej aav nart zoriulsan zovolgoo